04. Haul. Sleek | Face Form // Persian Rugs

Mini Haul.

So today I had some money and initially, I was going to buy a foundation.

But then while walking over to the sleek stand, I noticed they had stocked up on their products and all the blush by three palettes, blushers, eyebrow kits: they were all there.

I had my eye on the blush by three palettes for a while, but then I noticed this.

Sleek | Face Form | Contouring and Blush Palette

I got it in 'Medium - 374'

The palette contains a matte brown, a gold toned, shimmery highlight and a shimmery, orange toned blush.

Close up on the colours:

I haven't used the product yet, but perhaps when I do, I will post a review.

- Persian Rugs


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